About: View Bug

I created a new view. Then I created another view from that new view. And now I can’t delete that view. I think there is a bug in your program about this.
I am sending you the screenshots.
You can also see for yourself, as I have also shared the application with you.
“Envanter” it’s main table. Others view. Only the view named “degisim” is the view of a view that I have created before. I deleted the main view, but the child view named “degisim” remains. I can’t delete it. My advice to you might be: You should not allow a new view to be created from the view.
I am waiting for your support.
I sent you an e-mail about this. You also detected the error, but still the problem is not solved.

Hello Evren,

although we have already discussed this topic via our support, I just wanted to say that we are grateful that you have pointed this issue to us and that it has already been fixed.