Add record inside linked lookup window


As far as I can remember when linking a record there was an option to add new record and then link. There was a “plus” button on the bottom-right corner. Now it’s gone:

Is there a way to bring it back? It was very helpful…


I have the same problem, I reported to supportthe issue that occurred today. I am sure they are working on it and we will get restoration soon. This is a very important component, without which we would have to re-engineer all the tables. We are waiting for feedback.

I confirm that they are already solving, abreve will be restored operability. As usual they are super fast and great!!! Great Team Tabidoo Teams!

Hi @robomanus , they just released new update where they fixed the problem with the add record button. They have restored the functionality. Regards, Gaetano F.


Thanks for reply. I confirm that it’s working.

Great job Tabidoo :smiley: