I think you would appreciate some advice on how to import data from CSV file, when it is accessible via HTTP GET request.
(For example getting data from the e-shop platform Shoptet)
As an example I attach a script how to upload a CSV file that can be downloaded using HTTP GET
request method:
//doo.toast.info('Info','Downloading Shoptet order');
const parseCsv = function (csvContent, columnsSeparator = ',') {
const linesSeparator = '\n';
const fncGetValue = function (value) {
if (value === 'null')
return null;
const valueTrim = value?.trim();
if (valueTrim?.startsWith('"') && valueTrim?.endsWith('"'))
value = valueTrim.substring(1, valueTrim.length - 1);
return value;
let ret = null;
let lines = csvContent?.trim().replace(/\r/g, '').split(linesSeparator);
if (lines?.length) {
let headers = lines[0].trim();
if (headers.endsWith(columnsSeparator))
headers = headers.substring(0, headers.length - 1);
headers = headers.split(columnsSeparator).filter(header => !!header).map(header => fncGetValue(header));
lines = lines.splice(1);
ret = lines.filter(line => line?.indexOf(columnsSeparator) > -1).map(line => {
const values = line.split(columnsSeparator);
const obj = {};
headers.forEach((prop, index) => obj[prop] = fncGetValue(values[index]));
return obj
return ret;
//let numberOfOrdSys = await doo.table.getCount('orders_by_systems',{filter: 'currency(eq)CZK'});
// call from server only
await doo.table.deleteRecordsBulk('orders_by_systems',10000, 'currency(eq)CZK');
const csvLink = "Insert your CSV link here"
const csv = await doo.functions.request.get(csvLink);
const parsedCsv = parseCsv(csv, ';');
await doo.table.createRecordsBulk('orders_by_systems', parsedCsv);
I hope this is useful advice for you :slight_smile:
With kind regards,