Filter: field: (count) of inserted values

Hello, code bellow return error 400 tryed with " “odecitaneHodnoty.count” too and other but with same result. Could you please help how filtered by count? Thanks

const aktivniOMbez = await doo.table.getCount('prodejnyOdberovaMista', {
    filter: [{
        field: "odecitaneHodnoty(count)",
        operator: "eq",
        value: 1



According to the documentation, error 400 means “Bad Request” – the request was invalid or cannot be served. The exact error details are provided in the error description.

You can find the documentation on how to work with filters correctly here: doo.table - Tabidoo Help Center.

Example usage is included.

const aaa = await doo.table.getCount('table',{
        filter: [
                field: "number",
                operator: "eq",
                value: 1000