Problem exporting and importing tables in excel:
When I export a schema to excel to reprocess the fields, I notice that the type of export made does not allow me to use the same excel file to update the schema.
The fields are not updated, in particular those of the LINKED SCHEMA “fieldname (linked)” type, furthermore in the export the YES / NO box fields are exported completely empty and the date format, exported also shows the time format 00:00: 00.
This would appear to damage the records in the next Excel import.
How can I do to allow you to export the tables in excel, manipulate the fields and update the schema on tabidoo? At the moment it doesn’t work and I couldn’t.
Also how do I turn on the schema backup option to revert any changes that are made?
Finally, after importing a schema from excel, if a field in text format is changed in the schema as connected or of another type, delete all the records of the column relating to the field, how to avoid it?
I am very sorry you have so many problems with excel export/import. I have verified all of the cases
- Linked schema items
- Yes No type
- Date and Datetime
All of them work for me. However, I have just simple tables, columns for imported setup, English localization/culture format. Can you send me some details, please? Contact me by email to avoid publishing anything sensitive by accident.
Best Regards
OK thanks Michal, I’ll send you the table by email. We hope you can solve these data update problems that are important when you have databases to migrate or import. See you soon and Christmas greetings.
Hi Michal, I would like to publicly thank you for your availability and for having solved or giving me indications for most of the problems that have arisen. Now it works fine, and for import linked to incompatibility of the linked field I followed your advice and now I can import what I need. Compliments!